
Jos Wassink


Delta grants underline importance of practice-based research     Photo: Studio Sven   Lecturers Reint Jan Renes (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) and Janine Stubbe (Codarts Rotterdam) both received a Delta Premium for their practice-oriented research from outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf on 6 November 2023.   Reint Jan Renes researched…

Book: Internet as a threat     “Our world is eaten by the internet”, says postdoc dr Corinne Cath, an anthropologist at the faculty of Technology, Policy & Management (TPM). “We are living a unique moment: internet technologies are the default infrastructure for society, not just how we communicate but also how we organise our…

Cees Dekker lab makes nanoturbine   Terug naar in het Nederlands   A screw or a propeller has been a tool for moving water ever since Archimedes, and later also for moving through water. Researchers from the Cees Dekker Lab (Faculty of Applied Sciences) present the smallest propeller ever in Nature Nanotechnology on 26…

TU alumnus Hendrickx wins Huygens prize       Nico Willem Hendrickx, who received his PhD from TU Delft on 12 July 2021, received the Christiaan Huygens science prize from the hands of jury chairman Prof Dr Maria Antonietta Loi at the Oude Kerk in Voorburg yesterday. (Photo: Christiaan Huygens Prize Foundation)   “Nico was…

Dutch only Landschapsarchitect en stadsecoloog Nico Tillie (faculteit Bouwkunde) geeft donderdag 12 oktober een lezing over de ecocampus, ofwel de campus van de TU Delft als groene proeftuin voor steden van de toekomst. ‘De stad heeft al veel natuurlijke systemen verstoord’, schrijft Tillie in het persbericht. ‘Bij het Urban Ecology Lab stellen we…