Yet another student wins court case over energy allowance
A student from Utrecht has won a court case and should still receive the 1,300 euro energy allowance that was available last year for low-income households. The municipality wrongly excluded students as a group – on the advice, by the way, of the cabinet – the court ruled (in Dutch).
The student lives in an independent studio, has a low income and pays his own energy costs. He meets the conditions for the energy allowance. The municipality should not discriminate against him because he is a student, the judge ruled.
The municipality countered that the living situation of students would often be different from that of households covered by the minimum policy. Students would also be comparatively less affected by high energy prices. The court found the municipality’s argument not well-founded. And the ‘individual special assistance’ that students can apply for? The court did not find that a good alternative. After all, the conditions for that are stricter.
The municipality of Utrecht can appeal the ruling. The question is whether that would be worthwhile. Students often win court cases from unwilling municipalities. The first was in Nijmegen, followed by more cases, including in Delft which does pay out energy allowances but only to specific groups of students. Meanwhile, the government stands by its position. Students are also excluded from the 2023 energy allowance; the Raad van State (Council of State) denounced that course. (HOP, BB)
– Read more about the energy allowance.

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