Yes!Delft and Erasmus reaching out
Together, Yes!Delft and the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) have taken the initiative to set up Talents United to bring together talent from different disciplines. The starting point is that diversity is a prerequisite for creating a multidisciplinary and successful team or company.
The motivation is that many successful start-ups from both centres have been developed for limited target groups, and that there is little interaction between start-ups from the two cities of Delft and Rotterdam. The initiators of Talents United believe that a greater diversity of skills is essential for solving today’s urgent and complex problems.
“I hope that in five years’ time, all start-ups from our centres will contain team members from other fields of study and universities,” says ECE director Martin Luxemburg.
His Yes!Delft colleague Evert Jaap Lugt says “We want to enable start-ups to recruit talent from our universities and stay in the region while the company grows. This is crucial for the competitive business climate in South Holland.”

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