
​Who wants to buy up Delft?

Imagine owning all of Delft. There’s now a universe where you can. Or a Monopoly-verse. Launched last Wednesday, the Delft Monopoly replaces the iconic properties with Delft locations.

Play your cards right (literally) you can buy all of Mekelweg, Oostpoort, Markt and Beestenmarkt. Imagine collecting rent from all those bars, pubs and beautiful old apartments. And, if you’re lucky, you might even win some free parking.

“What made us decide to make a Delft edition? It’s a beautiful city and all its inhabitants are really proud of Delft. It’s also one of the tourist hotspots in the Netherlands and has a lot of history,” said Jelle Marcus of Identity Games, the makers of the game. In the past, other Dutch cities including Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Breda have had their own Monopoly.

While the game was being designed, the company ran a Facebook campaign during which people could vote for which street was a must-have in the game. The winner, Choorstraat, has a number of interesting shops and is also just around the corner from both the Nieuwe Kerk and the Oude Kerk.

“The game has 100% of the look and feel of Delft. Most of the streets are well known by the inhabitants of Delft and, besides that you will be able to own the TU Delft in this special edition.”

The game is currently priced at 49 euros and a part of the proceeds from sales will go towards a local charity. You can buy the game online or at supermarket Jumbo.

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