
Where do the new foreign MSc students come from?

About eighty new MSc students, representing 32 different countries, started their degree course last week.Most new students are attracted by the technology, policy, and management course.

Seventeen new students began this MSc course last week. Six differnet courses attracted only one or two foreign MSc students and because some of the course lectures are primarily for Dutch students and are therefore often not taught in English, these MSc students must also receive private lessons.

Chemical engineering became much more popular: This year, 13 students enrolled in this course, as compared to last year, when only 3 students chose chemical engineering.

Striking is also the relatively large amount of female students, 33 percent. In contrast, university courses as a whole attracted only 23 percent female students this year.

Most MSc students come from Asia, mainly from Indonesia (21) and China (13). There are still relatively few African students.

.kop Number of new foreign MSc students per degree course

Aerospace engineering 1

Architecture14 .

Applied physics 1

Chemical engineering13

Electrical engineering14

Mechanical engineering 7

Material sciences 1

Maritime technology 1

Technical informatics 7

Technical mathematics 2

Technical earth sciences 2

Technology, policy and management18

About eighty new MSc students, representing 32 different countries, started their degree course last week.

Most new students are attracted by the technology, policy, and management course. Seventeen new students began this MSc course last week. Six differnet courses attracted only one or two foreign MSc students and because some of the course lectures are primarily for Dutch students and are therefore often not taught in English, these MSc students must also receive private lessons.

Chemical engineering became much more popular: This year, 13 students enrolled in this course, as compared to last year, when only 3 students chose chemical engineering.

Striking is also the relatively large amount of female students, 33 percent. In contrast, university courses as a whole attracted only 23 percent female students this year.

Most MSc students come from Asia, mainly from Indonesia (21) and China (13). There are still relatively few African students.

.kop Number of new foreign MSc students per degree course

Aerospace engineering 1

Architecture14 .

Applied physics 1

Chemical engineering13

Electrical engineering14

Mechanical engineering 7

Material sciences 1

Maritime technology 1

Technical informatics 7

Technical mathematics 2

Technical earth sciences 2

Technology, policy and management18

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