VVD still in favor of basic scholarship
If it is up to the political party VVD, there will be no new basic scholarship in higher education. In its draft election program, the party pleads for the preservation of the loan system.
Four parties supported the abolition of the basic scholarship in 2015. These were the then government parties VVD and PvdA together with opposition parties D66 and GroenLinks. Three of the four parties have now made a turn.
But the VVD has not, as the draft election program shows. According to the Liberals, with the social loan system and the supplementary scholarship, higher education remains “accessible and accessible to all”.
The elections are in March. In the current polls, the VVD is by far the largest party. Other parties argue for the introduction of a new scholarship, but they will probably have to compromise with a party that sees nothing in it. (Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau)

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