
Universities of Applied Sciences also lower tuition fees for Ukrainian students

Universities of Applied Sciences: lower tuition fees for Ukrainian students



Students from Ukraine why study at Dutch universities of applied sciences will pay the same tuition fees as Dutch students in the coming academic year. The universities had already decided to do so. Normally, students from outside the European Economic Area pay the institutional tuition fees, which are often thousands of euros higher. But for students from the Ukraine, an exception is made because of the war with Russia. The reduction is valid for one year.


The higher education sector has been asking the government for months for clarity on tuition fees and related study financing for students from Ukraine. “In order to avoid unacceptable situations,” the universities made the decision themselves in mid-May, and now the universities of applied sciences are following suit.


In the meantime, the institutions continue to urge the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to compensate for the costs involved. A decision on this has not yet been made. Institutions also want a higher compensation for their support of students who get into financial difficulties because of the war situation. In April, Minister Dijkgraaf made 2.3 million euros available for this, on top of an earlier commitment of 1 million euros. (HOP, HC)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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