
Top salaries in higher education

Top salaries in higher education

Sixteen university and nine college of higher education directors received more than their institution’s set maximum salary in 2019. Another 50 directors were either at exactly the maximum or just below it.

The Ministry’s annual survey of 1,500 higher education administrators shows that they take good care of themselves. Eight university board members and two higher education board members earned more than the minister’s salary of EUR 194,000 (including expenses and pension payments) in 2019. According to the Law on Standardisation of Top Salaries (WNT), this was the salary maximum for large educational institutions. The President of Utrecht University, Anton Pijpers, came out on top at EUR 229,978. At TU Delft, the members of the Executive Board rewarded themselves at or just below the maximum. (HOP, Hein Cuppen)

HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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