Education at TU Eindhoven resumed after cyber attack

Education at TU Eindhoven has been resumed on Monday 20 January after the cyber attack that had started eight days earlier. The attack targeted SURF, the ICT partnership of the Dutch education sector. The attack hit TU Eindhoven hard, forcing the university to shut down all education for a week.

The so-called DDoS attack was stopped on Friday afternoon, according to SURF. During such an attack, large amounts of data are fired at a network with the aim of taking it down. To prevent further damage, TU Eindhoven took its internal systems and wifi offline. On Sunday afternoon, TU/e reported in an update that the university network had passed all functional tests. Only the VPN connection could not yet be used.

Other educational institutions, especially in the south of the country, also suffered from the cyber attack on SURF. At TU Delft, the inconvenience was not too bad, ICT director Erik Scherff told Delta on Thursday. However, TU Delft did tighten up monitoring and blocked the hacker’s IP addresses.

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