
Ticket sales TU Delft Sinterklaas party has started

Ticket sales Sinterklaas party started




Staff association Prometheus invites all TU Delft employees with young children to the annual Sinterklaas party. This year, it will take place on Saturday 2 December. 


(Photo: Prometheus)


The programme will start at 12.00 PM with various games and workshops in the aula. At 3.00 PM there will be a children’s pop concert and at 04.15 OM Sint and Piet will arrive. All children present will receive a gift and can have their photo taken with Sinterklaas. The full programme can be found on the Prometheus website.


  • Tickets cost five euros per person and are on sale from Tuesday to Friday between 11 AM and 2 PM at the Prometheus office in the aula. (BK)


News editor Bas Koppe

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