
A sustainable TU Delft?

A lecture and a workshop in English will be held next week for students interested in sustainable development. The lecture, co-hosted by Studium Generale and Osiris, a communication platform for sustainable development, will be given by Ruerd Ruben, of Wageningen University.

The lecture is entitled, ‘Profit: Natural resources’. Ruben willdiscuss how poor people living in remote and marginal rural areas account globally for the hardcore of chronic poverty. Poverty is intimately linked to vulnerability, due to declining resource productivity and insecure rainfall. Most investment efforts for rural development have been focused on areas with a favorable resource potential.

Ruben will argue that better economic and social return on investment can be achieved by focusing attention on less-favored areas. He believes investments in sustainable natural resource management are keys to poverty alleviation in most of the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, and that large public investments in infrastructure are required to encourage rural farmers to invest in sustainable practices. The lecture is on Monday, December 12 at Speakers, starting at 20:15. Entrance is free.

Osiris is also hosting a workshop called, ‘Envision a sustainable TU’, which will be led by TU Delft lecturer Jaco Quist, who will use a method called ‘back-casting’ to present a possible future scenario for a more sustainable TU Delft. Osiris will also be celebrating its third anniversary on the night. The workshop is on December 15, at ‘t Voorhuis, Voorstraat 64, in Delft, starting at 20:00. Entrance is free. (DM)

The lecture, co-hosted by Studium Generale and Osiris, a communication platform for sustainable development, will be given by Ruerd Ruben, of Wageningen University. The lecture is entitled, ‘Profit: Natural resources’. Ruben willdiscuss how poor people living in remote and marginal rural areas account globally for the hardcore of chronic poverty. Poverty is intimately linked to vulnerability, due to declining resource productivity and insecure rainfall. Most investment efforts for rural development have been focused on areas with a favorable resource potential.

Ruben will argue that better economic and social return on investment can be achieved by focusing attention on less-favored areas. He believes investments in sustainable natural resource management are keys to poverty alleviation in most of the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, and that large public investments in infrastructure are required to encourage rural farmers to invest in sustainable practices. The lecture is on Monday, December 12 at Speakers, starting at 20:15. Entrance is free.

Osiris is also hosting a workshop called, ‘Envision a sustainable TU’, which will be led by TU Delft lecturer Jaco Quist, who will use a method called ‘back-casting’ to present a possible future scenario for a more sustainable TU Delft. Osiris will also be celebrating its third anniversary on the night. The workshop is on December 15, at ‘t Voorhuis, Voorstraat 64, in Delft, starting at 20:00. Entrance is free. (DM)

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