
Student Union: ‘Talks with minister now pointless’

Student Union: ‘Talks with minister now pointless’



The National Student Union LSVb refuses to talk to the Minister of Education about study financing any longer. The union is inviting him to the protest in Amsterdam on Saturday. “We had constructive talks about study financing for years,” says president Ama Boahene, “but the result remains that there is too little money to really do something about the problems students are facing. Then there is no point in having another discussion.”


The Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO), the other national student representative body, will go to the Ministry. “I understand the disappointment of the LSVb very well; we share it too,” says chair Lisanne de Roos. Nevertheless, she wants to continue the discussion. “We have no illusions that we will lobby for a few billion more, but we want to bring the concerns of students to the minister.”


No changes
In debates it appeared that the cabinet does not want to change the set amounts. The total costs for the basic grant and the supplementary grant may not exceed the amount determined by the coalition. The same applies to the concession for ‘unlucky students’ (‘pechstudenten’ in Dutch). (HOP, BB)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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