
Rubicon grants for 22 young researchers

Rubicon grants for 22 young researchers


The Dutch research financier NWO has awarded a Rubicon grant to 22 researchers who recently obtained their PhDs. They can use this grant to gain research experience at a foreign knowledge institute. One of them is TU Delft researcher Jochem Vink. He will spend two years at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand to research useful fungi in plant roots that attract pathogens. In October NWO announced the first round of awards for the year 2021, and now the second and third rounds. This time 23.7 percent of the 93 applications submitted were awarded.


Climate justice
The scholarship winners are examining, among other things, what judges can learn from each other to decide climate court cases, how soils impoverished by intensive farming can be rebalanced, and why changes in DNA can lead to disease. Of the 22 laureates, eight go to the United States and six to the United Kingdom. Others have chosen Canada, France, Mexico or Singapore. The grant will enable them to carry out research for up to 24 months. The amount of funding depends on the chosen destination and the length of stay. This time, most scholarships went to the Free University of Amsterdam, Leiden University and the University of Groningen. (HOP, HC)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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