Protesters occupy hall of universities association

Pro-Palestinian activists occupied the The Hague building of university association UNL on 4 June. They want the universities to cut ties with Israel. A large banner reading “Boycott & divest” hangs on the facade, with a banner next to it declaring the universities complicit in genocide.

“It’s fairly intimidating,” says a UNL spokesman. “We are in consultation with each other and with the police about what is wise now.” According to the spokesman, the activists are in the wrong place. “We don’t make decisions about universities’ cooperation with any organization. The universities themselves do that. Within the association, we exchange knowledge, make agreements about the collective bargaining agreement and work to ensure the best possible preconditions for universities.”

An example of the latter is the directive for demonstrations that the UNL recently came up with. According to experts, it does not comply with the right to demonstrate.

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