Sinterklaas is coming to TU Delft. The man in the red robe (not to be mistaken with the man in the red pantsuit who arrives on December 25th) has made it known that he is looking forward to seeing the children and grandchildren of TU Delft employees at the Prometheus Sinterklaas party on December 3, 2016 in the Aula Auditorium.
A brief explanation especially for staff members new to the Netherlands follows. Every November Sinterklaas travels by boat to the Netherlands from his Spanish homeland. He is welcomed by millions of children throughout the country, many dressed in colourful costumes, frizzy black wigs, and black face-paint, all emulating Zwarte Piet (literally ‘Black Pete’), a collective name for the trusty band of helpers who constantly accompany Sinterklaas.
Festivities start at 12:00 in the Aula with games and activities for the children, before moving to the Auditorium where guests will be treated to a ‘Pirate Sing-A-Long’ show. Refreshments will be served after the show, followed by the arrival of Sinterklaas and his band of Piets who will delight the children with the giving of gifts.
During the afternoon a short film highlighting Sinterklaas visiting the Faculty of Industrial Design (IO) will be shown. As in previous years, Sinterklaas visits a faculty to learn about the latest exciting scientific developments that the faculty has produced during the year. Accompanying Sinterklaas on his visit to IO are two Piets who, true to character, create some mischief around a 3-D printer that results in a colour change and the birth of TU Delft Blue Piet.
Tickets for the Sinterklaas celebrations on December 3rd are available from the Prometheus office, located in the Aula and opened from 12:00 until 14:00, Tuesday to Friday. Tickets cost €5 each for children, parents and accompanying adults.

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