[Poetic Engineering]: Nunchaku

Industrial designer Stephan Hooft engineered ‘smart’ Nunchaku-sticks with sensors and a bluetooth connection, that can help arbiters in the combat sport nunchaku-do.

Afbeelding: Ella Nitters

Two sticks connected by a rope or chain

‘danger-sticks’ they are or Nunchaku

When sportsmen fight with them the way they do

the referees are driven quite insane

Because, you see, it all just goes so quick

that actually one does not see at all

It’s very hard for refs to make the call

of who did what to whom and with what stick

Some technical assistance would be nice

to show the arbiter what just went down

so he can tell the truth without a crease

A real Smart-Nunchaku is the device

it should eliminate the slightest frown

and easily settle every fight in peace.

Jeroen Manders

(ref: uuid:7447d9e5-64a9-445a-91d4-408ab799757a )

Bauke Steenhuisen (universiteit docent bij de faculteit TBM) en Jeroen Manders (zanger, acteur, tekstschrijver, componist en voormalig IO student) verdichtten tussen december 2014 en maart 2017 42 keer een Delftse afstudeerscriptie of proefschrift tot een sonnet. Illustraties waren van Ella Nitters.

Poetic Engineering / Poetic Engineering

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