Parliament wants one-stop shop for students with disabilities
Students with disabilities now have to go through various institutions for financial support. This can be improved, according to the parliament: they want one central point where these students can go.
In addition to the basic study grant and the supplementary grant, students with disabilities are also entitled to individual study grants, which are intended as an allowance for those who are unable to work in addition to their studies.
In order to claim this, they do not have to apply to DUO, but to their municipality. According to lobbyist Ieder(in), this leads to an “enormous obstacle course” for students who already have their hands full with the “management” of their illness.
The parliament, too, thinks it can be done better. On Thursday, a motion was passed requesting the government to “work towards one central point” where students with disabilities can apply for all available financial support.
The parliament also wanted more insight into the financial situation of students with disabilities, as their “livelihoods are under even more pressure” than those of most other students. A motion requesting the government to map out their financial position annually also received a majority. (HOP, JvE)

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