Parents demand removal of banga list

Some members of the Utrechtsch Studenten Corps drew up a sexualising ‘banga list’ on 30 female students last week. Their parents are demanding action.

The powerpoint ‘Chick presentation year 23’ contains (bikini) pictures of female students of the female student union UVSV. The students are mentioned by name. Pictures are accompanied by comments of the calibre ‘Must get laid quick’. Some of the women are called dragons.


The list is said to be widely circulated among students. The two creators are said to have since been suspended. The Utrecht Student Corps USC, where only men can become members, calls the action shameful and repulsive.

USC explains to the AD newspaper that the action is incompatible with the cultural improvement that is said to have begun in recent years. ‘Much attention is paid to sexual well-being and sexual safety, such as the Are-you-okay campaign conducted in the Woolloomooloo bar and through various workshops offered to our student houses and members throughout the year,’ the statement said.


Meanwhile, the Utrecht city council and Mayor Dijksma have expressed their dismay and shock. The public prosecutor’s office has also launched an investigation into the corps.

Parents of the female students engaged lawyers on Friday and demanded that Utrecht University and student associations ensure removal of the list from all student houses on pain of a fine ‘to responsible persons’.

HOP, Bas Belleman | Delta

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