Burgalries and assault at DelftChemTechIt was a rough weekend for DelftChemTech, located on the Juliannalaan. On Friday night a burglar broke in to the building and stole a laptop and Fl.
2,400. On Saturday night the burglar returned to the scene of the crime, but this time was confronted by a faculty employee and detained until the police arrived. On Sunday night a mentally disturbed man entered the DelftChemTech building brandishing a knife. The police were able to overpower and arrest the man. It is unknown whether this incident had any connection to the burglaries on Friday and Saturday night.
TU physics the best
Only TU Delft publications are in the Dutch top three of the most cited physics papers, and the best Dutch physicist is Professor Cees Dekker. These conclusions were drawn from the priority list of citations, issued by the Foundation for Fundamental Research for Matter (FOM). An article about carbon nanotube intermolecular junctions by TU professor, Dr. Z. Yao, published in Nature, was cited 4.13 times per month.
Leading technological institutes are successful
The four leading Dutch technological institutes have been very successful so far in their efforts to bridge the gap between fundamental university research and strategic corporate research. TU Delft is participating in three of the four virtual institutes, which, since 1977, have been partly funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The headquarters of one
institute, the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research, is in Delft. The participating universities and companies, which together form an institute, want to continue working together. Companies say institutional research improves their competitive position.
Entertainment tips
Announcements in English, this week, are on page 21. If you have short announcements to place, please send them to our email address: delta@tudelft.nl
Burgalries and assault at DelftChemTech
It was a rough weekend for DelftChemTech, located on the Juliannalaan. On Friday night a burglar broke in to the building and stole a laptop and Fl. 2,400. On Saturday night the burglar returned to the scene of the crime, but this time was confronted by a faculty employee and detained until the police arrived. On Sunday night a mentally disturbed man entered the DelftChemTech building brandishing a knife. The police were able to overpower and arrest the man. It is unknown whether this incident had any connection to the burglaries on Friday and Saturday night.
TU physics the best
Only TU Delft publications are in the Dutch top three of the most cited physics papers, and the best Dutch physicist is Professor Cees Dekker. These conclusions were drawn from the priority list of citations, issued by the Foundation for Fundamental Research for Matter (FOM). An article about carbon nanotube intermolecular junctions by TU professor, Dr. Z. Yao, published in Nature, was cited 4.13 times per month.
Leading technological institutes are successful
The four leading Dutch technological institutes have been very successful so far in their efforts to bridge the gap between fundamental university research and strategic corporate research. TU Delft is participating in three of the four virtual institutes, which, since 1977, have been partly funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The headquarters of one
institute, the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research, is in Delft. The participating universities and companies, which together form an institute, want to continue working together. Companies say institutional research improves their competitive position.
Entertainment tips
Announcements in English, this week, are on page 21. If you have short announcements to place, please send them to our email address: delta@tudelft.nl

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