Older students, bigger debts
The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant requested data from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) on student loans, broken down by field of study. As it turns out: economics and law students, who later think they will earn a good living, borrow considerably more than students with pedagogical or linguistic studies (in Dutch).
What also stands out: students start borrowing more as they get older. That’s not a coincidence, says professor Wilco Van Dijk in de Volkskrant. He is professor of psychological determinants of economic choice behavior at Leiden University. “Their lives are becoming more expensive.” A considerable group of students only move into rooms later in their studies. Dahran Çoban, chairman of the Dutch organization Interstedelijk Studenten OverlegÇoban (ISO) also points to ‘poorly paid internships’ as a possible reason. “In addition to being a medical intern, you really can’t do a side job, so they are forced to borrow extra.”

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