Student jokeThe Delft police force sent 22 police officers to the scene of what they thought was a kidnapping, but later turned out to be a student prank.
Four first-year TU Delft students staged a kidnapping in Rijswijk that eyewitnesses saw happen and, thinking it was a real kidnapping, alerted the police. The eyewitnesses saw two blindfolded men being shoved into a car by two other men. The police began searching for the car, following official police procedures for kidnappings. According to the students, who are members of the TU Delft student society, Delft Student Corps (DSC), the ‘kidnapping’ was part of a student joke, which involved dropping the two blindfolded students off somewhere in the middle of nowhere without money or phones, to see if they could find their way back to Delft. The police detained the four students. Three of the students received warnings for failing to possess proper identification. A police spokesman said the students wouldn’t be charged for the prank: “But we can’t laugh about this. This sort of incident has a great impact. People were shocked.”
After months of renovation work, the Koornbeurs student society will host a party on Friday November 18 to celebrate its re-opening. The restoration work was undertaken after the Koornbeurs building was granted national monument status last year. The Delft municipality decided at that time that the Koornbeurs building must be restored to its original state. During the months of restoration work, the building remained open. TU Delft co-sponsored the restoration work
Pilates in Delft
The TU Delft Sports’ Center is now offering classes in Pilates, the trendy new exercise course that is popular around the world. The Sport Centre’s website describes Pilates “as an exercise method that focuses on coordination, strength and toning of muscles. The goal of Pilates is to make people more conscious of their bodies and to help them learn how to improve their posture, breathing and coordination.” Registering for Pilates classes can be done via the Sport Centre’s website.
New tabloid
A new tabloid newspaper is now available on campus. The newspaper, ‘TUday’, is a publication of TU Delft’s marketing and communication department. The department’s director, Helmi Geeve, said the newspaper is intended as “a communication tool. It is meant to have an underground character and will not be published regularly. Perhaps only four or eight times per year.” To promote the new newspaper, posters with mysterious slogans, such as ‘Coming soon in tabloid form’ and ‘The news you want to read’, began appearing around campus this past month.
Bike Thieves
Two TU Delft students were arrested for stealing a bicycle. Police officers saw the two students . aged 18 and 20 . stealing the bike. When the students tried to ride away on the their stolen property, the police arrested them on the Koornmarkt. A police spokesman said the two students would now face a more difficult future: “You can graduate from university with a criminal record, but trying to find a job is going to be more difficult.”
Field hockey
The Delfts Student Corps (DSC) student society donated 1,200 euro to victims of the recent devastating earthquake in Pakistan. Members of the student society were encouraged to donate a few euros during dinners held at the student society. With the money raised from this, DSC bought the hockey shirt of Dutch national field hockey team player Thijs de Greeff, who is also a DSC member. The shirt was then auctioned and the 1,200 euros it raised donated to the Pakistani earthquake victims.
Delft municipality is second only to Tilburg in terms of environmental sustainability. With regard to issues such as saving water, CO2 emissions, and ‘green’ purchases, Delft municipality received a score of 8.7 in the ‘2005 Local Sustainability Meter’ of COS Netherlands, an organization that promotes international partnerships. But the COS says the overall sustainability policy in the Netherlands needs to be drastically improved: COS said nine out of ten municipalities were deemed to be unsatisfactory in terms of sustainability.
Student joke
The Delft police force sent 22 police officers to the scene of what they thought was a kidnapping, but later turned out to be a student prank. Four first-year TU Delft students staged a kidnapping in Rijswijk that eyewitnesses saw happen and, thinking it was a real kidnapping, alerted the police. The eyewitnesses saw two blindfolded men being shoved into a car by two other men. The police began searching for the car, following official police procedures for kidnappings. According to the students, who are members of the TU Delft student society, Delft Student Corps (DSC), the ‘kidnapping’ was part of a student joke, which involved dropping the two blindfolded students off somewhere in the middle of nowhere without money or phones, to see if they could find their way back to Delft. The police detained the four students. Three of the students received warnings for failing to possess proper identification. A police spokesman said the students wouldn’t be charged for the prank: “But we can’t laugh about this. This sort of incident has a great impact. People were shocked.”
After months of renovation work, the Koornbeurs student society will host a party on Friday November 18 to celebrate its re-opening. The restoration work was undertaken after the Koornbeurs building was granted national monument status last year. The Delft municipality decided at that time that the Koornbeurs building must be restored to its original state. During the months of restoration work, the building remained open. TU Delft co-sponsored the restoration work
Pilates in Delft
The TU Delft Sports’ Center is now offering classes in Pilates, the trendy new exercise course that is popular around the world. The Sport Centre’s website describes Pilates “as an exercise method that focuses on coordination, strength and toning of muscles. The goal of Pilates is to make people more conscious of their bodies and to help them learn how to improve their posture, breathing and coordination.” Registering for Pilates classes can be done via the Sport Centre’s website.
New tabloid
A new tabloid newspaper is now available on campus. The newspaper, ‘TUday’, is a publication of TU Delft’s marketing and communication department. The department’s director, Helmi Geeve, said the newspaper is intended as “a communication tool. It is meant to have an underground character and will not be published regularly. Perhaps only four or eight times per year.” To promote the new newspaper, posters with mysterious slogans, such as ‘Coming soon in tabloid form’ and ‘The news you want to read’, began appearing around campus this past month.
Bike Thieves
Two TU Delft students were arrested for stealing a bicycle. Police officers saw the two students . aged 18 and 20 . stealing the bike. When the students tried to ride away on the their stolen property, the police arrested them on the Koornmarkt. A police spokesman said the two students would now face a more difficult future: “You can graduate from university with a criminal record, but trying to find a job is going to be more difficult.”
Field hockey
The Delfts Student Corps (DSC) student society donated 1,200 euro to victims of the recent devastating earthquake in Pakistan. Members of the student society were encouraged to donate a few euros during dinners held at the student society. With the money raised from this, DSC bought the hockey shirt of Dutch national field hockey team player Thijs de Greeff, who is also a DSC member. The shirt was then auctioned and the 1,200 euros it raised donated to the Pakistani earthquake victims.
Delft municipality is second only to Tilburg in terms of environmental sustainability. With regard to issues such as saving water, CO2 emissions, and ‘green’ purchases, Delft municipality received a score of 8.7 in the ‘2005 Local Sustainability Meter’ of COS Netherlands, an organization that promotes international partnerships. But the COS says the overall sustainability policy in the Netherlands needs to be drastically improved: COS said nine out of ten municipalities were deemed to be unsatisfactory in terms of sustainability.

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