$34.9 billionHarvard University, already America’s richest university, said its endowment grew to a new high of $34.9 billion, boosted by bets on emerging markets, real estate and private equity.
The Ivy League school made headlines last month when it lost $350 million after Sowood Capital, a hedge fund run by a former Harvard employee with whom the university invested, collapsed. The endowment is not a single fund but roughly 11,000 individual funds, many restricted to specific uses like scientific research or the creation of a professorship, the university said. Harvard, unlike many universities, still manages a chunk of its endowment in-house at its Harvard Management Company (HMC) unit. It also relies on outsiders, including HMC alumni, who have launched their own hedge funds, to invest much of the money donated by former students. Harvard, located across the Charles River from Boston in Cambridge, relies heavily on its endowment to cover annual expenses and said it spends about 5 percent of the endowment every year on university programs.
No stops
As of 2 September, Connexxion buses 69 and 129 will no longer run via Mekelweg. The new routes will be via Schoemakerstraat (bus 69) and Julianalaan/Rotterdamseweg (bus 129). Bus 201 (to Schiedam Centre) will be unaffected, and will continue to run via Schoemakerstraat. The stops at Julianalaan (between the Main Building and the Chemistry building), Aula TU, Stieltjesweg TU, Balth. van der Polweg and Watermanweg will be discontinued.
New courses
New courses at the Sports and Cultural Centre will commence at the beginning of October 2007. There will be additional courses on offer, such as Street Dance (Beginners and Advanced), Furniture-making, Silversmithy and a Sushi Workshop. A Juggling & Diabolo course will also be on offer. You can register in person for the various cultural courses from 20 August. Registration via the Internet is possible from Wednesday 23 August. The registration period for sports courses is from 27 August to 2 September. Most of the courses commence at the beginning of October. In September you can ‘try out’ a number of sports or cultural activities by following an introductory lesson. The number of places is limited, so it’s first come, first served. Additionally, since variety is the spice of life, the Sports Café at the Sports and Cultural Centre will have a new, changing menu. The menu will change every three months, with new rolls, sandwiches and daily specials from different regions of the world.
‘Keep it safe’
With this motto a security awareness campaign has been started aimed at new students. The purpose of this campaign is to make students aware of a couple of very simple things you need to do in order to stay on-line and to make sure no one else is using your computer or your identity. A flyer in English and Dutch has been given to all new Bachelor and Master students. The flyer is also available at the various TU Servicepoints.
The Idea League, which TU Delft is part of, is starting an EU-funded development program for female researchers in natural science and engineering: TandemplusIdea. The program encourages women to stay in research and apply for leading scientific positions by using three important instruments of personal development . mentoring, training and networking. Each participant will participate in workshops and receive personal support from an experienced successful scientist. The scheme targets female post-docs who want to become university professors. Four scientists from TU Delft will be accepted into the program in 2008.
Stratego champ
Vincent de Boer, a Computer Science student at TU Delft, has won the Stratego World Championship, which was held at Edegem in Belgium. This is Vincent’s third victory . he was also World Champion in 2003 and 2004. A total of 44 players from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the United States took part in the competition, which is usually won by a Dutch player . Stratego is originally a Dutch game and is very popular in the Netherlands.
Imagine Cup
A team of four students from TU Delft made it to the semi-finals of the Imagine Cup, held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Unfortunately, the international icon language that the team developed for children did not take them into the finals of this Microsoft competition in which students are challenged to come up with innovative ideas to make the world a better place. This year’s challenge to competitors was to develop software designed to make education more accessible for everyone. In today’s globalising world, it is important that children encounter other cultures at an early age. The Delft students wanted to give children this opportunity by enabling them to play simple games with children in other countries. Children can communicate with each other using a language consisting of icons. An egg from which a chick is emerging means ‘new’. A doll pointing to itself means ‘I’. The children can also see each other via the webcam. In Seoul, teams from 55 countries competed for the first prize of 25,000 dollars.
Help wanted
Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page, starting this academic year (August/September). We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to D. McMullin at: mcmullin66@yahoo.com.
$34.9 billion
Harvard University, already America’s richest university, said its endowment grew to a new high of $34.9 billion, boosted by bets on emerging markets, real estate and private equity. The Ivy League school made headlines last month when it lost $350 million after Sowood Capital, a hedge fund run by a former Harvard employee with whom the university invested, collapsed. The endowment is not a single fund but roughly 11,000 individual funds, many restricted to specific uses like scientific research or the creation of a professorship, the university said. Harvard, unlike many universities, still manages a chunk of its endowment in-house at its Harvard Management Company (HMC) unit. It also relies on outsiders, including HMC alumni, who have launched their own hedge funds, to invest much of the money donated by former students. Harvard, located across the Charles River from Boston in Cambridge, relies heavily on its endowment to cover annual expenses and said it spends about 5 percent of the endowment every year on university programs.
No stops
As of 2 September, Connexxion buses 69 and 129 will no longer run via Mekelweg. The new routes will be via Schoemakerstraat (bus 69) and Julianalaan/Rotterdamseweg (bus 129). Bus 201 (to Schiedam Centre) will be unaffected, and will continue to run via Schoemakerstraat. The stops at Julianalaan (between the Main Building and the Chemistry building), Aula TU, Stieltjesweg TU, Balth. van der Polweg and Watermanweg will be discontinued.
New courses
New courses at the Sports and Cultural Centre will commence at the beginning of October 2007. There will be additional courses on offer, such as Street Dance (Beginners and Advanced), Furniture-making, Silversmithy and a Sushi Workshop. A Juggling & Diabolo course will also be on offer. You can register in person for the various cultural courses from 20 August. Registration via the Internet is possible from Wednesday 23 August. The registration period for sports courses is from 27 August to 2 September. Most of the courses commence at the beginning of October. In September you can ‘try out’ a number of sports or cultural activities by following an introductory lesson. The number of places is limited, so it’s first come, first served. Additionally, since variety is the spice of life, the Sports Café at the Sports and Cultural Centre will have a new, changing menu. The menu will change every three months, with new rolls, sandwiches and daily specials from different regions of the world.
‘Keep it safe’
With this motto a security awareness campaign has been started aimed at new students. The purpose of this campaign is to make students aware of a couple of very simple things you need to do in order to stay on-line and to make sure no one else is using your computer or your identity. A flyer in English and Dutch has been given to all new Bachelor and Master students. The flyer is also available at the various TU Servicepoints.
The Idea League, which TU Delft is part of, is starting an EU-funded development program for female researchers in natural science and engineering: TandemplusIdea. The program encourages women to stay in research and apply for leading scientific positions by using three important instruments of personal development . mentoring, training and networking. Each participant will participate in workshops and receive personal support from an experienced successful scientist. The scheme targets female post-docs who want to become university professors. Four scientists from TU Delft will be accepted into the program in 2008.
Stratego champ
Vincent de Boer, a Computer Science student at TU Delft, has won the Stratego World Championship, which was held at Edegem in Belgium. This is Vincent’s third victory . he was also World Champion in 2003 and 2004. A total of 44 players from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the United States took part in the competition, which is usually won by a Dutch player . Stratego is originally a Dutch game and is very popular in the Netherlands.
Imagine Cup
A team of four students from TU Delft made it to the semi-finals of the Imagine Cup, held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Unfortunately, the international icon language that the team developed for children did not take them into the finals of this Microsoft competition in which students are challenged to come up with innovative ideas to make the world a better place. This year’s challenge to competitors was to develop software designed to make education more accessible for everyone. In today’s globalising world, it is important that children encounter other cultures at an early age. The Delft students wanted to give children this opportunity by enabling them to play simple games with children in other countries. Children can communicate with each other using a language consisting of icons. An egg from which a chick is emerging means ‘new’. A doll pointing to itself means ‘I’. The children can also see each other via the webcam. In Seoul, teams from 55 countries competed for the first prize of 25,000 dollars.
Help wanted
Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page, starting this academic year (August/September). We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to D. McMullin at: mcmullin66@yahoo.com.

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