Qualification standards for new teachersNew teachers must prove that they are good teachers. Teaching experience, degree courses and on-the-job assessments will be taken into account.
The student council wanted all TU teachers to meet these new qualification standards, but the university only insisted on newly hired teachers meeting the new standards. The dean will decide if incumbent teachers need to take a qualification test. The student council, however, is afraid that new teachers view the tests as a punishment. ”Instead, it should be an honor to receive the approval of qualification,” student councilor, Roel van Raak, claims. The qualification will only last for five years, after which time teachers will be tested again.
Positive discrimination for female researchers
Hoping to attract more women to universities, the Dutch Minister of Education, Loek Hermans, wants women to be favored for scientific positions. Female academics with families should be hired when candidates are of equal aptitude, even if a female researcher has published fewer scientific articles. Most TU employees don’t agree with these plans. They disapprove of positive discrimination or don’t consider the number of publications to be important. The vice-president of TU’s Executive Board, Guus Berkhout, who’s in charge of research, remarks: ”It’s not the number of published articles that matters, but their quality. What’s even more important is whether someone fits in the researching team.” Like other respondents, Berkhout expects that flexible working hours will help to attract women researchers as well.
New rules for beginning Ph.D. students
TU’s Executive Board believes that new Ph.D. students should finish their projects in four years. After one year, the Ph.D. student’s supervisors will decide if the student will finish on time. If not, the Ph.D. project will be stopped. Only in special circumstances (severe health problems or pregnancy) would a maximum one-year extension be granted.
Qualification standards for new teachers
New teachers must prove that they are good teachers. Teaching experience, degree courses and on-the-job assessments will be taken into account. The student council wanted all TU teachers to meet these new qualification standards, but the university only insisted on newly hired teachers meeting the new standards. The dean will decide if incumbent teachers need to take a qualification test. The student council, however, is afraid that new teachers view the tests as a punishment. ”Instead, it should be an honor to receive the approval of qualification,” student councilor, Roel van Raak, claims. The qualification will only last for five years, after which time teachers will be tested again.
Positive discrimination for female researchers
Hoping to attract more women to universities, the Dutch Minister of Education, Loek Hermans, wants women to be favored for scientific positions. Female academics with families should be hired when candidates are of equal aptitude, even if a female researcher has published fewer scientific articles. Most TU employees don’t agree with these plans. They disapprove of positive discrimination or don’t consider the number of publications to be important. The vice-president of TU’s Executive Board, Guus Berkhout, who’s in charge of research, remarks: ”It’s not the number of published articles that matters, but their quality. What’s even more important is whether someone fits in the researching team.” Like other respondents, Berkhout expects that flexible working hours will help to attract women researchers as well.
New rules for beginning Ph.D. students
TU’s Executive Board believes that new Ph.D. students should finish their projects in four years. After one year, the Ph.D. student’s supervisors will decide if the student will finish on time. If not, the Ph.D. project will be stopped. Only in special circumstances (severe health problems or pregnancy) would a maximum one-year extension be granted.

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