Navy makes room for drones
The navy’s interest in drones goes beyond a one-off demonstration, as we saw last week. In November last year, MAVlab employees demonstrated their hydrogen drone on board a naval vessel. A month and a half later, the ‘Noordhollands Dagblad’ newspaper writes (in Dutch) that the new seagoing Royal Netherlands Navy vessels will be equipped with a drone deck behind the wheelhouse. “We want to equip the ships with a drone deck because the Royal Netherlands Navy Command will be deploying more and more drones,” naval officer Pieter Blank says. “The more flexible the ships, the better prepared we are for the future.” Bart Remes, Project Leader of the Delft laboratory for Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) says that he is not involved in these developments. “The navy and Defence have their own drone specialists. There may eventually be a set of requirements that suppliers can tender for,” Remes expects. However, he does hope that the navy will opt for hydrogen drones, as he believes that they are best suited for the job.

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