Most TU Delft Venis for quantum research
Last week NWO (the Dutch Research Council) announced the Veni grants for early-stage researchers. Five of the seven TU Delft Venis are for quantum technology. The granting of the research grants ran differently this year: first because of corona and then due to a hack at NWO. The research financier decided to split up the applications according to science domain. Last week this involved 89 grants in the exact & natural sciences (ENW) and health care & health care innovation (ZonMw). The applied & technical sciences and social sciences & humanities domains will be next in April 2022.
The success rate for applications in the domain of exact & natural sciences was 21% this year. The following seven TU Delft researchers’ proposals won.
Dr Koen Bastiaans (EEMCS) will investigate how new electronic properties are created by coupling two quantum states; Dr Eliska Greplova (AS) will try to overcome quantum noise using the mathematical principles of topology; Dr Kristin Kirchner (EEMCS) will develop new calculation methods to make reliable predictions of phenomena involving noise; Dr Kaveh Lahabi (AS) will build a new type of microscope that can simultaneously view electricity, magnetism and temperature at an atomic scale; Dr Maximilian Russ (AS/QuTech) will investigate the small variations in quantum bits in order to achieve efficient spin manipulation; Dr Carolina Urzúa-Torres (EEMCS) will design a new mathematical approach to numerical methods for Maxwell’s equations (which are essential for designing telecommunication systems and modern electronics); and Dr Y. Wang (AS) will investigate unconventional superconductivity in layered magnetic quantum materials.
Read more about their research here.

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