LSVb: students in financial difficulties due to rising energy prices
Dozens of students have informed the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) thtat they can no longer cope with their rising energy bills. They cannot claim compensation from the government and are in financial difficulties.
At the end of April, the LSVb opened an energy poverty hotline, where students can tell their story. Of the 150 students who have reported so far, most pay between 50 and 80 euros per month more for their energy than last year, the LSVb estimates.
Requesting special assistance at their municipality is the only option for these students, says LSVb president Ama Boahene. “But many municipalities have already informed us that students will not receive assistance.”
Minister Carola Schouten of Poverty Policy wrote to the Lower House a fortnight ago that municipalities always have the possibility to grant individual special assistance to students in distressing situations. But she also acknowledged that they are often exempt from the local minimum income policy. Next Tuesday, she will receive the reports of the LSVb. (HOP, HC)

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