‘How to support Iranian students and scientists?’
As Iranian students and staff at TU Delft organise remembrances and call on the Executive Board to support colleagues in Iran as well as the Netherlands, the GroenLinks party in the Dutch House of Representatives has posed parliamentary questions (in Dutch). They want to know from Minister Hoekstra of Foreign Affairs and Minister Dijkstra of Education whether the ‘situation of students and scientists from Iran in the Netherlands’ is discussed with the educational institutions.
Furthermore, they want to know whether the ministers receive signals from students and scientists from Iran that they are postponing their possible return home. After all, the situation in their country is unsafe due to the violent repression of protests against the regime. GroenLinks wants ministers to map out how students and scientists from Iran can be supported in the Netherlands.
In addition, GroenLinks wants a better picture of the situation in Iran: what is the state of existing partnerships with Iranian educational and scientific institutions, are there Dutch students and staff in Iran, is there contact with them and where can they go for help? (SB)
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