Government intervention in cases of mismanagement in education
The Government is planning to intervene more quickly in cases of mismanagement in education. This is not the same as restricting academic freedom, Minister of Education Wiersma told a critical House of Representatives.
The two Christian coalition parties, CDA and CU, have major doubts about a bill that gives the Government greater power to tackle maladministration in education. It remains to be seen whether this bill will pass through the House of Representatives unchanged. The opposition too has its doubts, wondering if it is going too far.
The bill was introduced after a series of incidents, particularly in secondary education and vocational training. Time and again, the House of Representatives heard from the Minister that little could be done about the administrators in these educational institutions. Yet, the proposal will apply to the whole education system and the House of Representatives now has reservations about the freedom in education and research.
So it remains to be seen what will happen. The MPs will submit written questions to Parliament and the intention is that the bill will be dealt with before the summer. (HOP, BB)

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