
Flooding in 21 buildings

Flooding in 21 buildings



The heavy rainfall from Mondaynight, August 15 caused water flooding in 21 buildings of the 57 buildings managed by TU Delft on campus. These include the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, the Dreamhall, the Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment and the Faculty of Applied Sciences.


According to figures from the KNMI, in a half hour an amount of rain fell that is normal average in a month. Security guards, building managers and cleaners from Gom and employees from Integral Safety, among others, worked through the night to ensure that buildings could safely reopen the next morning.


There was damage in a number of buildings, for example to furniture that was in basements, to carpeting and to ceiling tiles. The financial damage is not yet clear. “The insurance company’s damage expert is currently mapping this out,” a spokesperson for the Campus Real Estate & Facility Management (CRE & FM) Directorate let us know.


According to the spokesperson, CRE & FM will investigate whether it is necessary to take structural measures to respond to possibly more frequent heavy precipitation.

Source: KNMI (

News editor Annebelle de Bruijn

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