Five ERC Grants for TU Delft

Five Delft researchers received European Research Council grants. A total of 400 grants have been awarded, 44 of which are to staff from Dutch universities and research institutes.

The grants for TU Delft will go to researchers at Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS), Applied Sciences (AE), Mechanical Engineering, Maritime Engineering & Technical Materials Science (3mE), Aerospace Engineering (AE) and Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG). The amount is one and a half million euros for a five-year research path during which the scientists can set up their own team.


The starting grants are intended for researchers at the beginning of their scientific career who received their PhD two to seven years ago. Almost 2,700 proposals were submitted this round, of which 14.8 per cent were successful. The 400 grants will create around 2,600 jobs for postdocs, PhDs and other staff, according to the ERC.



The list of awards may still change, the ERC warns. This is because the UK is officially “non-associated” with Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme from which the grants are paid. Should that remain the case, successful applicants from UK institutions will only receive their grants if they take them to an institution in a country that is allowed to participate in Horizon Europe. These include, for example, Turkey, Israel and Switzerland. (HC, BK)

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