Student life
Sexually transgressive behaviour

‘First-year students should receive sex education’

Sexually transgressive behaviour is more common than higher education institutions realise, warns government commissioner Mariëtte Hamer, who is calling for sex education for first-year students. According to Hamer, “That’s when they start experimenting.”

(Photo: David Jackson/Unsplash)

In preparing a new recommendation to the government, Mariëtte Hamer spoke to both victims and perpetrators of sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence in higher education. She also spoke to students, experts and representatives of higher education institutions.

As a special government commissioner tasked with combatting sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence, Hamer has been advising the government since 2022. She was appointed in response to the widely publicised allegations of sexual misconduct behind the scenes at the TV programme The Voice of Holland.

Too few reports

In her recommendation, which was published today, Hamer sets out the problems in higher education. She also argues that the low number of formal reports being filed – just 300 in 2022 – does not reflect reality.

According to her, there is a “worrying discrepancy between the number of reports and the (estimated) actual number of incidents”. The same picture emerged in a 2022 Delta survey. Of the students who had (oral) sex against their will, more than 80 percent did not report this to a confidential counselor, study advisor, teacher or other university employee. For other forms of sexually transgressive behavior this percentage is even higher: 95 percent.

Half of young women

As Hamer writes in her letter to the government: “Half of women aged 18 to 24 experienced some form of sexually transgressive behaviour last year.”

Although these incidents usually don’t happen on campus, many of them do. In other instances, the perpetrators are fellow students, meaning the institution in question has a role to play regardless of where the misconduct occurred.

‘We are spending a lot of time fixing problems that could have been prevented’

Speaking to Delta, two out of three students said they had had sexual transgression experiences since studying at TU Delft. In a third of those students, that was with someone associated with the university, usually as a student, but in a few cases also as a teacher.

Procedural and legalistic
The response to a report of sexually transgressive behaviour or sexual violence is often rather procedural and legalistic, and aftercare for victims is ‘minimal or absent’, Hamer writes. As a result, complaint procedures sometimes do victims more harm than good.

Moreover, a variety of factors increase the risk of problems, such as strong hierarchies, one-to-one working relationships, uncertainty due to temporary contracts, high workloads and cutthroat competition. At universities, PhD students and postdocs in particular suffer the consequences of this working climate, Hamer notes.

Training and duty of care

Hamer recommends providing training and supervision, raising awareness, emphasising the duty of care institutions have towards their students, holding meetings and conducting risk assessments to achieve a culture change. In addition, ‘relationship and sex education’ should be given a permanent place in all curricula, and the position of PhD students and postdocs should be improved.

‘There are many existing initiatives that programmes could exchange’

This does raise a question: how much time should institutions spend on such classes, meetings and supervision? That is beside the point, Hamer said in response. “We are already spending a lot of time on this, fixing problems that could have been prevented. Institutions can even lose talented employees when things go wrong, for instance when PhD student are so disappointed that they leave academia.”

Culture change

Sex education can be taught in the first year, says Hamer. “Because that’s when students start experimenting. They are still very much discovering who they are, and developing. It shouldn’t take long to prepare these classes, as there are many existing initiatives that programmes could exchange.”

It stands to reason that a culture change like this will take up more time in the beginning, says Hamer. “And once you’ve decided how people should interact with each other, this should be coded into the DNA of the institution. Then you can keep coming back to that to see if things are still going the way they should.”

Ultimately, healthy workplace behaviour should become a matter of habit, Hamer believes. That way, the issue won’t take up time anymore either – it would simply be unacceptable to make nasty comments or belittle someone.

Reporting procedures

With regard to complaints, higher education institutions shouldn’t think that setting up a procedure is enough, says Hamer. “Aftercare is really important. You have to make sure that reporting procedures are conducive to the culture change, and that they don’t discourage people.”

Meanwhile, the government that created Hamer’s post has stepped down. How does she view the shifting political landscape? According to Hamer, the recent developments have no bearing on the fight against sexually transgressive behaviour. “This issue isn’t tied to any political movement. Nobody wants to ignore these problems.”

  • The Sexual Assault Center offers help to anyone that has experienced an unwanted sexual encounter. You can chat or phone 0800-0188 anonymously and free of charge.
  • TU Delft has Confidential Advisers for staff members and students where you can report transgressive behaviour. They will listen to you and can help you and refer you on. There is also a complaints rule for unwanted behaviour (see chapter 10).
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