MoviesFilmhuis Lumen:Titanic, mon. 19:45, desperate to attract business, the Filmhuis runs a special showing of this film, hoping to entice Mr.
Hans van der Hovel, the only person in the world who hasn’t seen this movie, out of his hole.
Dancer in the Dark, thurs. to wed. 22:00, Bjork, the Iclandic pixie, in Lars von Trier’s latest. Bjork’s charater is going blind but manages to sing a few tunes before very satisfyingly getting strung up by her neck. Oh so moving.
Voldersgracht 12, Delft
Tel: 212 32 51
What Lies Beneath, thursday to wednesday 18:30 and 21:30, sunday 14:00; there’s something evil in the bathtub and it’s not necesarily Michelle Pfieffer’s toe cheese. A cynical attempt to cash in on that other movie about convening with dddddead, the one starring Bruce Willis.
Oude Delft 11-12, Delft
Tel: 212 32 51
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows, fri. + sat. 18:45 and 21:30, thurs to wed. 20:30., if you liked the first one, you might not like this one, as it’s directed by another and follows a different format, although the jerky puke-inducing camera movements remain.
Burgwal 45-49, Delft
Tel: 212 44 46
Dance Area Special with DJ Jurgen and DJ Didier, thurs. Nov.9, 23:00; Popronde Slotfeest with Voltage and Longplayers, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; PopQuiz Connectiions, sun. 14:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Filmlab: The Talented Mr Ripley, tues. 21:00; Skik, thurs. 16 nov. 21:00
Voldersgracht 1, Delft
Tel: 212 47 42
Popronde: Ygdrassil, fri. 22:00; Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00; Oscar Siegelaar, thurs. Nov. 16, 21:00.
Cultureel Centrum:
Mekelweg 10, Delft
Cameretten Festival try-out, tues. 20:00; Kamermuziekconcert by the Rotterdam Conservatory thurs. Nov. 16, 12:45
Cultureel Centrum Abtswoude:
Aart v.d. Leeuwlaan 332, Delft
Tel: 256 92 06
Hoop doet Leven, song program by Oscar van den Bergen, sun. 15:00.
Theater aan het Spui:
Spui 187, Den Haag
Tel: 070-346 52 72
CaDance Festival, thurs, Nov. 9 to sat. Nov. 25
Leger museum (Delft):
‘Dressed to Kill’: The uniform as fashion – from April 1st to Jan. 7th 2001.
From Hendrix to the Sex Pistols, khaki to army boots – military uniforms as cool street-wear, as worn by generations of fashion victims. Unfortunately, the display captions are only in Dutch.
Kunsthal (Rotterdam)
Jesus in the Golden Age, until Jan 7th
Koninklijke Library (Den Haag)
Queen to move: women and chess down the centuries, until November 17th
Van Gogh Museum
Paulus Potterstraat 7, Amsterdam
Tel: 020-570 52 00
Light! The Industrial Age, 1750-1900, 20 Oct. to Feb. 11, 2001.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, Den Haag
Tel: 070-33 81 111
All over the place: fashion and traditional dress, until march 18, 2001; Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesan army, until november 12; The ear caresses the eye: Music in Japanese pictorial art, until january 14, 2001.
Galerie Ariana
Lange Geer 6, Delft
Tel: 214 23 01
Paintings by Ruud Slagmolen en Bronze statues by Luigi Amati, until november 27: Thursday to Saturday 10:00-17:30 and the first and third Sunday of the month 14:00-17:00.
Filmhuis Lumen:
Titanic, mon. 19:45, desperate to attract business, the Filmhuis runs a special showing of this film, hoping to entice Mr. Hans van der Hovel, the only person in the world who hasn’t seen this movie, out of his hole.
Dancer in the Dark, thurs. to wed. 22:00, Bjork, the Iclandic pixie, in Lars von Trier’s latest. Bjork’s charater is going blind but manages to sing a few tunes before very satisfyingly getting strung up by her neck. Oh so moving.
Voldersgracht 12, Delft
Tel: 212 32 51
What Lies Beneath, thursday to wednesday 18:30 and 21:30, sunday 14:00; there’s something evil in the bathtub and it’s not necesarily Michelle Pfieffer’s toe cheese. A cynical attempt to cash in on that other movie about convening with dddddead, the one starring Bruce Willis.
Oude Delft 11-12, Delft
Tel: 212 32 51
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows, fri. + sat. 18:45 and 21:30, thurs to wed. 20:30., if you liked the first one, you might not like this one, as it’s directed by another and follows a different format, although the jerky puke-inducing camera movements remain.
Burgwal 45-49, Delft
Tel: 212 44 46
Dance Area Special with DJ Jurgen and DJ Didier, thurs. Nov.9, 23:00; Popronde Slotfeest with Voltage and Longplayers, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; PopQuiz Connectiions, sun. 14:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Filmlab: The Talented Mr Ripley, tues. 21:00; Skik, thurs. 16 nov. 21:00
Voldersgracht 1, Delft
Tel: 212 47 42
Popronde: Ygdrassil, fri. 22:00; Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00; Oscar Siegelaar, thurs. Nov. 16, 21:00.
Cultureel Centrum:
Mekelweg 10, Delft
Cameretten Festival try-out, tues. 20:00; Kamermuziekconcert by the Rotterdam Conservatory thurs. Nov. 16, 12:45
Cultureel Centrum Abtswoude:
Aart v.d. Leeuwlaan 332, Delft
Tel: 256 92 06
Hoop doet Leven, song program by Oscar van den Bergen, sun. 15:00.
Theater aan het Spui:
Spui 187, Den Haag
Tel: 070-346 52 72
CaDance Festival, thurs, Nov. 9 to sat. Nov. 25
Leger museum (Delft):
‘Dressed to Kill’: The uniform as fashion – from April 1st to Jan. 7th 2001.
From Hendrix to the Sex Pistols, khaki to army boots – military uniforms as cool street-wear, as worn by generations of fashion victims. Unfortunately, the display captions are only in Dutch.
Kunsthal (Rotterdam)
Jesus in the Golden Age, until Jan 7th
Koninklijke Library (Den Haag)
Queen to move: women and chess down the centuries, until November 17th
Van Gogh Museum
Paulus Potterstraat 7, Amsterdam
Tel: 020-570 52 00
Light! The Industrial Age, 1750-1900, 20 Oct. to Feb. 11, 2001.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, Den Haag
Tel: 070-33 81 111
All over the place: fashion and traditional dress, until march 18, 2001; Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesan army, until november 12; The ear caresses the eye: Music in Japanese pictorial art, until january 14, 2001.
Galerie Ariana
Lange Geer 6, Delft
Tel: 214 23 01
Paintings by Ruud Slagmolen en Bronze statues by Luigi Amati, until november 27: Thursday to Saturday 10:00-17:30 and the first and third Sunday of the month 14:00-17:00.
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