.chap With extra Summer Fun section!FilmFilmhuis LumenDoelenplein 5 .Tel.
(015) 2140226
Together, thurs. to wed. 22: 00; Sharply observed portrait of life in a commune in the 1970s, from the director of Fucking Amal.
Fast Food Fast Women, fri. to sun. 22:45. Life%s a bitch if your mother’s one and you’re a 35-year old waitress with a married man for a boyfriend. Romance starring Anna Thomson
Binnenwatersloot 1 .
Tel. (015) 2123855
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 21:30; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Voldersgracht 12 .
Tel. (015) 2123251
Pearl Harbor, thurs and mon. to wed. 20:00, fri. and sat. 18:30 and 22:00, sun. 14:00 and 21:00; Bush W. is in the House, so let those all-American warrior hero types out of the closet, where they’ve been growing stale ever since Ronnie Reagan’s Top Gun. Here, Hollywood’s up to its old tricks again, bankrupt of ideas so rehashing this tired old tale and not letting historical truth get in the way of a good, sentimental, romantic tale, starring Ben Afleck, the handsome devil. But, at least, Hollywood let the Japanese win, which is reason enough to see it
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. and mon. to wed. 18:45 and 21:45, fri. and sat. 18:30, 20:30, 22:45, sun. 14:00, 18:45 and 21:45; Film based on Helen Fielding’s best-selling book about a thirty-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, as claimed, but ‘flatire’, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it is supposedly satirising.
Summer Fun
Pasar Malam Besar , from June 20th to July 1st: For a tropical experience, featuring Indonesian and Asian fare, visit the annual Pasar Malam Besar market on the Malieveld, the large field directlyopposite Central Station in The Hague. Sample some of the wide variety of exotic drinks and snacks and enjoy the musical performances. More information: http://www.pasarmalambesar.nl/eng.htm
De Parade , until July 1 in Rotterdam, Museumpark
Theatrefestival with all kinds of art and theatre performances. Visit their incredible website: http://www.mobilearts.nl/
for more information or call Stichting Mobile Arts Tel: (033)4654555. Later on, the Parade moves: to The Hague (July 6 to July 15), Utrecht (July 20-29) and Amsterdam (August 3-19).
Festival of Architecture , from June 29 until July 1, from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.: Several architecturally-impressive buildings in Rotterdam will open their, usually closed, doors to the general public. Tours, excursions, exhibitions and ‘open houses’ available. For more information call (010)4369909.
Pink Saturday 2001 : On June 30th, the Dutch Pink Saturday will be celebrated in Rotterdam. A multicoloured Gay Pride Parade with lot’s of music tours the Rotterdam inner city and ends in a festive celebration with arts and an information market
near Plein 1940. The day begins at 11 a.m. with a spiritual stonewall meeting near the Laurens Church. The parade starts at 13.00.
The world-renowned Dordrecht Book Market , when all the streets of this old and beautiful city are lined with second-hand book stalls. July 1 from 10 a.m to 5:30 p.m.
Metropolis Festival: On Sunday July 1, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., lot’s of bands will perform in the Zuiderpark of Rotterdam. Performing bands are Brainpower, Mo Solid Gold, Train, My Vitriol, Incense, Quick & Brite, Superheroes, Face Tomorrow, Incognegro, Illy Noiz, Snow Patrol, The Moldy Peaches, The Strokes, Momo, Baghdaddies, Celtica, Angels & Agony, Hekate and Suicide Commando. Free entrance.
Glitterclub on the Beach: On Sunday July 1, from 11 p.m., the celebrated dj’s and performers Wipneus and Pim lead the way at the seventies disco at Strandpaviljoen Zuid, South Beach Scheveningen.
The Hague Sculpture 2001 , from June 26th to September 11,
Le Carnaval des Animaux. The Lange Voorhout in The Hague (near the Het Binnenhof, the parliament buildings) will be
the setting for sculptural works with a theme: animals.
Contact Information: Stichting Voorhout van de Beeldende Kunst II. Tel.(070)3645784
Rotterdam is Cultural City of Europe this year. As a result, lots of festivals, exhibitions, plays, art-fairs etc. have been organised. Look for a detailed list of events on http://www.rotterdam2001.nl/, which also has info in English.
Burgwal 45/49 .
Tel. (015) 2124446
Supertrio: Remorse & Face Tomorrow, thurs. 28 June 21:00; Beatsclub: Summerdance, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers: Gay Summer Party, sat. 23:00; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00.
Voldersgracht 1 .
Tel. (015) 2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Cultureel Centrum Mekelweg 10
Mekelweg 10 .
Tel. (015) 2783988
Masterclass Krashna Musika, sat. 10:00; Chamber music masterclass by Krashna Musika, sun. 15:00.
Lutherse Kerk
Noordeinde 4 .
Tel (015) 2132369
Les chemins de l’amour, work for o.a. Poulenc and Franck by Rivke van der Staak, Annemieke van Prooijen, sat. 20:15;
Missa Bell Amfitrit van Orlando di Lassus and Franse chansons by Messa di Voce, sun. 20:00.
Jetlag Lounge Den Haag (Paard op Hol)
Kettingstraat 12b, The Hague
Tel. (070) 3601838
Crime Jazz Hits The Hague, words and poetry beyond, thurs. 28 June 22:00.
Techniek Museum
Ezelsveldlaan 61
Tel. (015) 2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Korte Geer 1 .
Tel. (015) 2150500
Delft Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artistic expression according to Delft professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
Sint Agathaplein 4
Tel. (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof
Sint Agathaplein 1
Tel. (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague,
Tel. (070) 3381111
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12;
NAI (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam
Tel. (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67
Tel. (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.
.chap With extra Summer Fun section!
Filmhuis Lumen
Doelenplein 5 .
Tel. (015) 2140226
Together, thurs. to wed. 22: 00; Sharply observed portrait of life in a commune in the 1970s, from the director of Fucking Amal.
Fast Food Fast Women, fri. to sun. 22:45. Life%s a bitch if your mother’s one and you’re a 35-year old waitress with a married man for a boyfriend. Romance starring Anna Thomson
Binnenwatersloot 1 .
Tel. (015) 2123855
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 21:30; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Voldersgracht 12 .
Tel. (015) 2123251
Pearl Harbor, thurs and mon. to wed. 20:00, fri. and sat. 18:30 and 22:00, sun. 14:00 and 21:00; Bush W. is in the House, so let those all-American warrior hero types out of the closet, where they’ve been growing stale ever since Ronnie Reagan’s Top Gun. Here, Hollywood’s up to its old tricks again, bankrupt of ideas so rehashing this tired old tale and not letting historical truth get in the way of a good, sentimental, romantic tale, starring Ben Afleck, the handsome devil. But, at least, Hollywood let the Japanese win, which is reason enough to see it
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. and mon. to wed. 18:45 and 21:45, fri. and sat. 18:30, 20:30, 22:45, sun. 14:00, 18:45 and 21:45; Film based on Helen Fielding’s best-selling book about a thirty-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, as claimed, but ‘flatire’, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it is supposedly satirising.
Summer Fun
Pasar Malam Besar , from June 20th to July 1st: For a tropical experience, featuring Indonesian and Asian fare, visit the annual Pasar Malam Besar market on the Malieveld, the large field directlyopposite Central Station in The Hague. Sample some of the wide variety of exotic drinks and snacks and enjoy the musical performances. More information: http://www.pasarmalambesar.nl/eng.htm
De Parade , until July 1 in Rotterdam, Museumpark
Theatrefestival with all kinds of art and theatre performances. Visit their incredible website: http://www.mobilearts.nl/
for more information or call Stichting Mobile Arts Tel: (033)4654555. Later on, the Parade moves: to The Hague (July 6 to July 15), Utrecht (July 20-29) and Amsterdam (August 3-19).
Festival of Architecture , from June 29 until July 1, from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.: Several architecturally-impressive buildings in Rotterdam will open their, usually closed, doors to the general public. Tours, excursions, exhibitions and ‘open houses’ available. For more information call (010)4369909.
Pink Saturday 2001 : On June 30th, the Dutch Pink Saturday will be celebrated in Rotterdam. A multicoloured Gay Pride Parade with lot’s of music tours the Rotterdam inner city and ends in a festive celebration with arts and an information market
near Plein 1940. The day begins at 11 a.m. with a spiritual stonewall meeting near the Laurens Church. The parade starts at 13.00.
The world-renowned Dordrecht Book Market , when all the streets of this old and beautiful city are lined with second-hand book stalls. July 1 from 10 a.m to 5:30 p.m.
Metropolis Festival: On Sunday July 1, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., lot’s of bands will perform in the Zuiderpark of Rotterdam. Performing bands are Brainpower, Mo Solid Gold, Train, My Vitriol, Incense, Quick & Brite, Superheroes, Face Tomorrow, Incognegro, Illy Noiz, Snow Patrol, The Moldy Peaches, The Strokes, Momo, Baghdaddies, Celtica, Angels & Agony, Hekate and Suicide Commando. Free entrance.
Glitterclub on the Beach: On Sunday July 1, from 11 p.m., the celebrated dj’s and performers Wipneus and Pim lead the way at the seventies disco at Strandpaviljoen Zuid, South Beach Scheveningen.
The Hague Sculpture 2001 , from June 26th to September 11,
Le Carnaval des Animaux. The Lange Voorhout in The Hague (near the Het Binnenhof, the parliament buildings) will be
the setting for sculptural works with a theme: animals.
Contact Information: Stichting Voorhout van de Beeldende Kunst II. Tel.(070)3645784
Rotterdam is Cultural City of Europe this year. As a result, lots of festivals, exhibitions, plays, art-fairs etc. have been organised. Look for a detailed list of events on http://www.rotterdam2001.nl/, which also has info in English.
Burgwal 45/49 .
Tel. (015) 2124446
Supertrio: Remorse & Face Tomorrow, thurs. 28 June 21:00; Beatsclub: Summerdance, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers: Gay Summer Party, sat. 23:00; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00.
Voldersgracht 1 .
Tel. (015) 2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Cultureel Centrum Mekelweg 10
Mekelweg 10 .
Tel. (015) 2783988
Masterclass Krashna Musika, sat. 10:00; Chamber music masterclass by Krashna Musika, sun. 15:00.
Lutherse Kerk
Noordeinde 4 .
Tel (015) 2132369
Les chemins de l’amour, work for o.a. Poulenc and Franck by Rivke van der Staak, Annemieke van Prooijen, sat. 20:15;
Missa Bell Amfitrit van Orlando di Lassus and Franse chansons by Messa di Voce, sun. 20:00.
Jetlag Lounge Den Haag (Paard op Hol)
Kettingstraat 12b, The Hague
Tel. (070) 3601838
Crime Jazz Hits The Hague, words and poetry beyond, thurs. 28 June 22:00.
Techniek Museum
Ezelsveldlaan 61
Tel. (015) 2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Korte Geer 1 .
Tel. (015) 2150500
Delft Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artistic expression according to Delft professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
Sint Agathaplein 4
Tel. (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof
Sint Agathaplein 1
Tel. (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague,
Tel. (070) 3381111
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12;
NAI (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam
Tel. (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67
Tel. (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.

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