FilmFilmhuis LumenDoelenplein 5 – Tel (015)2140226Billy Elliot, sun. 15:15 Little sensitive Billy grows up in a bleak and brutal English industrial town dreaming of becoming a..
.ballerina. Nope, not a footballer, a ballerina. Women, and certain types of men, like male hairdressers, will love this flick.
Binnenwatersloot 1 – Tel (015)2123855
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. to wed. 21:30; Film based on Helen Fielding’s bestselling book about a 30-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, but flatire, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it supposedly satirises.
Voldersgracht – Tel. (015)2123251
Blow, thurs. to wed. 18:45 and 21:30, sun. also at 15:00; Johnny Depp stars in a bio-pic tracing the rise and high times and ultimate fall of one of the USA’s best drug dealers.
Burgwal – Tel. (015)2124446
EuroDisco: Stockholm Dance Parade, thurs. 24:00; Beatsclub: Summerdance Finale, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; Delfts Barkeepersgala (with Das Band Live), sun. 20:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Videolab: Unbreakable, tues. 21:00; EuroDisco: Stock, Aitkin’ & Waterman, thurs. 6 sept. 24:00.
Voldersgracht 1 – Tel. (015)2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Paard Op Hol
Den Haag – Tel. (070)3601838
Summerdance, fri. 23:00; Seizoensopening with Hallo Venray, Incense and Long Players, sat. 21:00; Glitterclub, sun. 23:00; Popcity No. 12 with Dollhouse Drama, Lianan Shee and Gary Primich Band, mon. 20:30.
Den Haag City Centre
Uit Festival, preview of new performances for the coming season,sun. 12:00.
Techniek Museum
Ezelsveldlaan 61 – Tel (015)2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Korte Geer 1 – Tel (015)2150500
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delftse professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
St Agathaplein 4 – Tel (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof
St Agathaplein 1 – Tel (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague – Tel (070) 3381111
Karel Appel: Work on Paper 1940-2000, until Sept. 2
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12.
Nai (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam – Tel (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67 – Tel (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.
Filmhuis Lumen
Doelenplein 5 – Tel (015)2140226
Billy Elliot, sun. 15:15 Little sensitive Billy grows up in a bleak and brutal English industrial town dreaming of becoming a…ballerina. Nope, not a footballer, a ballerina. Women, and certain types of men, like male hairdressers, will love this flick.
Binnenwatersloot 1 – Tel (015)2123855
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. to wed. 21:30; Film based on Helen Fielding’s bestselling book about a 30-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, but flatire, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it supposedly satirises.
Voldersgracht – Tel. (015)2123251
Blow, thurs. to wed. 18:45 and 21:30, sun. also at 15:00; Johnny Depp stars in a bio-pic tracing the rise and high times and ultimate fall of one of the USA’s best drug dealers.
Burgwal – Tel. (015)2124446
EuroDisco: Stockholm Dance Parade, thurs. 24:00; Beatsclub: Summerdance Finale, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; Delfts Barkeepersgala (with Das Band Live), sun. 20:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Videolab: Unbreakable, tues. 21:00; EuroDisco: Stock, Aitkin’ & Waterman, thurs. 6 sept. 24:00.
Voldersgracht 1 – Tel. (015)2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Paard Op Hol
Den Haag – Tel. (070)3601838
Summerdance, fri. 23:00; Seizoensopening with Hallo Venray, Incense and Long Players, sat. 21:00; Glitterclub, sun. 23:00; Popcity No. 12 with Dollhouse Drama, Lianan Shee and Gary Primich Band, mon. 20:30.
Den Haag City Centre
Uit Festival, preview of new performances for the coming season,sun. 12:00.
Techniek Museum
Ezelsveldlaan 61 – Tel (015)2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Korte Geer 1 – Tel (015)2150500
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delftse professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
St Agathaplein 4 – Tel (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof
St Agathaplein 1 – Tel (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague – Tel (070) 3381111
Karel Appel: Work on Paper 1940-2000, until Sept. 2
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12.
Nai (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam – Tel (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67 – Tel (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.

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