DUWO changes its voting-in policy

DUWO has started a pilot programme for the current residents of the Stieltjesweg block of flats to improve the voting-in process.

The student housing provider hopes that this will help reduce the instances of bribery and make the housing process more transparent. This step follows an article in Delta on bribery practices.

(Photo: Justyna Botor)

“The voting-in policy strengthens the bond among residents and gives everyone a fair chance to secure a room,” says a DUWO spokesperson. “It is therefore important for the group to carefully assess whether the new tenant will fit in the group dynamics. We urgently request departing tenants not to accept requests to nominate someone in exchange for money. We also urge current tenants to actively exercise their voice and give serious consideration to nominated candidates.”

Meanwhile, the residents of the Stieltjesweg have been informed of the changes as well. The email to residents states, ‘This pilot will allow the choice of a new housemate to be made from among the candidates who are already registered on ROOM.nl, our housing platform. This will help minimise the risk of abuse. We will provide you with further information as soon as it becomes available’. (GG)

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