Dutch talk’Hij is van alle markten thuis’ (literally: ‘He is at home with all markets’) is an expression that is commonly used by Dutch people of all walks of life to describe someone who has a lot of skills and knowledge and can basically do anything they set their minds to.
The English would say: ‘He’s able to turn his hand to anything’. More often than not though, the Dutch expression is used ironically. One of your housemates, for instance, may be a very good cook and have his way with the ladies, but you never ever see him clean the toilets. Now let’s just say one day you will actually catch him with the toilet brush in his hands. You’ll probably say something like: “Well, how about that!” in mock surprise. If the guy in question is Dutch, he’ll most likely smile back at you and say: ‘Ik ben van alle markten thuis!’ (CvdB)
(Illustration: Juan S. Sanchez, Colombia)
Dutch talk
‘Hij is van alle markten thuis’ (literally: ‘He is at home with all markets’) is an expression that is commonly used by Dutch people of all walks of life to describe someone who has a lot of skills and knowledge and can basically do anything they set their minds to. The English would say: ‘He’s able to turn his hand to anything’. More often than not though, the Dutch expression is used ironically. One of your housemates, for instance, may be a very good cook and have his way with the ladies, but you never ever see him clean the toilets. Now let’s just say one day you will actually catch him with the toilet brush in his hands. You’ll probably say something like: “Well, how about that!” in mock surprise. If the guy in question is Dutch, he’ll most likely smile back at you and say: ‘Ik ben van alle markten thuis!’ (CvdB)
(Illustration: Juan S. Sanchez, Colombia)

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