TU Delft will close X and the Science Centre immediately. In other places, no more than a hundred people may be present . What corona measures does Delft TU take?
(Photo: Marjolein van der Veldt)
TU Delft’s central crisis team announced a series of measures this evening, in response to the measures announced by the Dutch government.
TU Delft has decided to close X (formerly Sports and Culture) and the Science Centre with immediate effect. Educational activities such as lectures, practicals and exams are not permitted if more than a hundred persons are in one room at the same time. The TU will offer education online as much as possible. Spaces with study workplaces, such as the TU Delft Library, cannot be used by more than a hundred people at the same time. The same applies to company restaurants and other catering establishments on campus, work-related meetings and other events.
The measures apply until 1 April
The government instructs everyone in the Netherlanads to work from home whenever possible and to spread their working hours. The TU leaves it up to managers to decide if and how this can be done. Furthermore, the urgent request to stay at home in case of a rhinitis, cough, sore throat or fever remains in force.
The government has asked healthcare personnel and other people who work in ‘vital processes’ to stay at home only in the case of the aforementioned complaints. The TU states that it also has such ‘critical processes’ within its organisation. These will be identified and employees will be informed. Which processes are involved is currently not known.
Deans and directors, among others, are currently working hard on the practical implementation of all the measures, a spokesperson says. The implementation can work out differently everywhere. The measures apply until 1 April.

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