The arrival of the Laga rowing club in the Nieuwe Haven means that Thor’s floating clubhouse needs to move. The rugby players are not happy about this, so they went to court.
Door de komst van roeivereniging Laga naar de Nieuwe Haven moet het drijvende clubhuis van Thor daar weg. Dat zien de rugbyers niet zitten. Dus stapten ze naar de rechter.
The government is allocating over a quarter of a billion euros less for the public transport pass for pupils and students. Transport companies foresee having to cut services.
The OWee was early this year and now introductions are over in other cities as well. A look back at #MeToo classes, a student studio lottery and barred associations.
The name of a minor first year student who was caught with alcohol at the Cantus was shared in an OWee WhatsApp group along with the advice to not accept him as a member.
Een vechtpartij op de Nijmeegse intromarkt heeft tot drie arrestaties geleid. Het is niet de eerste keer dat omstreden organisaties stof doen opwaaien tijdens introweken.
Nine Delft students participated in the World University Games in Chengdu, China, in early August. This resulted in no less than six medals for rowers.
With the OWee being held earlier, many student associations have moved their introduction periods forward. There is now a gap until the academic year starts.
After all association meals being vegetarian last year, the OWee and the Schie Dinner were next in line on the first evening. Has a turning point been reached in student life?