Last month outgoing Minister Dijkgraaf had a seat at the table of TU Delft staff involved in open science. It was a closed meeting but Delta spoke to the attendees afterwards.
Past cabinets have implemented few effective climate policies and this must change soon, write twelve prominent Dutch climate scientists in a letter.
To increase knowledge security, screening of researchers from outside Europe is in the making. Not a good idea, says KNAW President and TU Delft professor Marileen Dogterom.
Do you want to discuss TU Delft’s ties to the fossil fuel industry? You can do so from November onwards. The outcomes should lead to recommendations to the Executive Board.
The KNMI presented new Dutch climate scenarios on Monday. TU Delft climate scientist Herman Russchenberg and KNMI researcher Sybren Drijfhout: “Extremes determine livability.”
Five universities top up the meagre income of international scholarship PhDs. The others do little to nothing, a study shows. Of TU Delft, the latter was already known.
Artificial intelligence is the theme at TU Delft this year. Delta explains six pieces of AI research. Part 6: using AI to read medical scans.
Paternalisme en oneerlijke machtsverhoudingen waren voor planeetwetenschapper Daphne Stam reden om te vertrekken bij Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek. Aan Delta vertelt ze wat eraan vooraf ging.