How comfortable is a trip in a completely self-driving car? TU Delft researchers use a van and a driver to test this. One hundred people in Delft joined in.
Every two years Ammodo gives awards for fundamental research to eight scientists in the Netherlands. This year Stan Brouns and Tatiana Filatova were winners.
A year after Putin plunged Ukraine into all-out war, academic freedom in Russia is in a sorry state. “You can stay and try to help others, or you can flee.”
NWO awarded 34 Vici grants of up to EUR 1.5 million to senior researchers for their own programmes. Five of them came from TU Delft. These are the winners.
Fun, beauty, education, mechanics, craftsmanship. Many things come together in the award-winning glass structure ‘Ziptruss’. Delta spoke to Ate Snijder, one of the designers.
Doctoral candidate Alejandra Gómez Ortega is travelling around campus with her ‘cash dispenser for data use’. Her mission: to show what data you leave online.
Negotiations were held at the UN summit in Montreal on compensating indigenous peoples for using genetic data from organisms. But why does the TU Delft oppose?
Haven’t you heard? It’s tinnitus week – a week focusing on ringing in the ears. TU Delft is involved in the research and is even developing a small healing device.
Just when Bert Wolterbeek, Director of the Reactor Institute Delft, is retiring, nuclear energy is the focus of attention and the renovation of the reactor is almost done.