Columnist Monique van der Veen intends to reduce her email inbox by 90%, for it is her number one energy drain. Here’s how.
Meet our new columnist, MSc student Saurabh Varanasi. He stayed in Delft during the first lockdown, but heeded his gut feeling and is now completing his studies from India.
Columnist Bob van Vliet would rather decide himself what software and interfaces should do instead of having to go with what the tech giants think. He is not the only one.
Natalia Barbour started her tenure track at TU Delft in the middle of the pandemic. Working remotely from the USA, she has some lessons to share.
Why is it so difficult for internationals to befriend Dutch people? After three years in the Netherlands, columnist Vishal Onkhar has some experiences of his own.
How can online teaching energise instead of drain teachers? Columnist Monique van der Veen found a way.
Bob van Vliet prefers to teach in spaces that he can arrange to his liking. The same goes for online education. But it’s not that simple.
Longing for a real winter, columnist Vishal Onkhar knows it is time to hibernate until the new year has dawned.
It would be bad for scientific debate if Nature Communications were to withdraw a paper with unwelcome findings, columnist Monique van der Veen argues.