

ChurchEnglish speaking students from all churches are invited to attend an ecumenical service on 28 january at 11.3

0 a.m. in the Raamstraat 78 (behind the station). The service will be led by Rev.Waltraut Stroh. After church we stay together for a cup of coffee/tea and a chat. If you are away from home, don’t miss this international fellowship which will make you feel at home in another way.

Information: or 070-3297624.


The International Neighbour Group (ING) welcomes all research fellows, visiting staff and graduates from foreign universities and their families to take part in activities organized jointly by the ING and the TUD Visitors Foundation (VF).

Cultural Evening: All about 17th Century Dutch Painters (Vermeer, Rembrandt, etc.), 25th January 8:00pm.

We are fortunate to have a slide presentation by someone who spent years studying these painters and who works in the Mauritshaus, the Museum in Den Haag that we will visit on 9 February. Mrs. Van Karnebeek will talk to us about the brilliant painters of ‘The Golden Century’ and will illustrate her talk with beautiful slides. Members are invited for this special evening to the home of Mrs. Quartel. She lives on Spoorsingel 26, Delft.

Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 5.12 from 9:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday- Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.

If you have short announcements to place, please send them to:


English speaking students from all churches are invited to attend an ecumenical service on 28 january at 11.30 a.m. in the Raamstraat 78 (behind the station). The service will be led by Rev.Waltraut Stroh. After church we stay together for a cup of coffee/tea and a chat. If you are away from home, don’t miss this international fellowship which will make you feel at home in another way.

Information: or 070-3297624.


The International Neighbour Group (ING) welcomes all research fellows, visiting staff and graduates from foreign universities and their families to take part in activities organized jointly by the ING and the TUD Visitors Foundation (VF).

Cultural Evening: All about 17th Century Dutch Painters (Vermeer, Rembrandt, etc.), 25th January 8:00pm.

We are fortunate to have a slide presentation by someone who spent years studying these painters and who works in the Mauritshaus, the Museum in Den Haag that we will visit on 9 February. Mrs. Van Karnebeek will talk to us about the brilliant painters of ‘The Golden Century’ and will illustrate her talk with beautiful slides. Members are invited for this special evening to the home of Mrs. Quartel. She lives on Spoorsingel 26, Delft.

Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 5.12 from 9:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday- Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.

If you have short announcements to place, please send them to:

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