Global Meeting PointInternational students, and also Dutch students, are invited toparticipate in the Global Meeting Point, which will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, namely on October 3rd .,
at 18.30 hours in Voorstraat 60. The meeting will start with a meal and will continue with a discussion on the pro’s and cons of ‘individualism’. Two students will introduce the topic. Those who prepare the meal would like to know how many people attend.
Please, if possible, inform: 015-2158328 or of your coming.
The International Neighbour Group (ING) invites all research fellows, visiting staff and graduates from foreign universities and their families to become members and take part in activities organized jointly by the ING and the TUD Visitors Foundation (VF).
Dutch coffee morning (Koffie Ochtend) Wednesday 3, October-10 am.
The first get-together of this month will be held at ‘The Meeting Point’ located in the Student Living Room of the Sebastiansbrug Hotel. This is where most of you signed up to become members of the ING. This coffee morning will feature a distinctly Dutch flavour, as some of our hostesses will bring along traditional, home-baked cakes and biscuits. Everyone is welcome at the ING coffee mornings. It is possible for new members too sign up that day or for old members to renew their membership.
Meeting Place: Student Living Room in the Sebastiaansbrug Hotel, Zusterlaan 114.
Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 5.12 from 9:00am-4:30pmPM, Monday-Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.
The Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, is offering the International Doctoral Program in Engineering. The primary objective of this program is to provide young students and researchers having a Master degree (or equivalent) with an opportunity to further their studies toward a doctor degree at Kyoto University. Japanese language is not required in accomplishing their studies but a good command of English is required. The vast range of engineering fields covered by the Graduate School of Engineering is described in detail at its homepage
Students admitted to the program will be financially supported for three years through a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship.
Deadline for applications is 30 November. Application forms together with detailed information on the following subjects:
* courses and number of applicants to be admitted;
* eligibility;
* scholarship and other financial supports;
* selection and admission;
* application procedure are obtainable at the Information Centre of the Student Advisory Office.
Changed e-mail address Delta and Page 4
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to our changed e-mail address:
Global Meeting Point
International students, and also Dutch students, are invited to
participate in the Global Meeting Point, which will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, namely on October 3rd ., at 18.30 hours in Voorstraat 60. The meeting will start with a meal and will continue with a discussion on the pro’s and cons of ‘individualism’. Two students will introduce the topic. Those who prepare the meal would like to know how many people attend.
Please, if possible, inform: 015-2158328 or of your coming.
The International Neighbour Group (ING) invites all research fellows, visiting staff and graduates from foreign universities and their families to become members and take part in activities organized jointly by the ING and the TUD Visitors Foundation (VF).
Dutch coffee morning (Koffie Ochtend) Wednesday 3, October-10 am.
The first get-together of this month will be held at ‘The Meeting Point’ located in the Student Living Room of the Sebastiansbrug Hotel. This is where most of you signed up to become members of the ING. This coffee morning will feature a distinctly Dutch flavour, as some of our hostesses will bring along traditional, home-baked cakes and biscuits. Everyone is welcome at the ING coffee mornings. It is possible for new members too sign up that day or for old members to renew their membership.
Meeting Place: Student Living Room in the Sebastiaansbrug Hotel, Zusterlaan 114.
Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 5.12 from 9:00am-4:30pmPM, Monday-Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.
The Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, is offering the International Doctoral Program in Engineering. The primary objective of this program is to provide young students and researchers having a Master degree (or equivalent) with an opportunity to further their studies toward a doctor degree at Kyoto University. Japanese language is not required in accomplishing their studies but a good command of English is required. The vast range of engineering fields covered by the Graduate School of Engineering is described in detail at its homepage
Students admitted to the program will be financially supported for three years through a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship.
Deadline for applications is 30 November. Application forms together with detailed information on the following subjects:
* courses and number of applicants to be admitted;
* eligibility;
* scholarship and other financial supports;
* selection and admission;
* application procedure are obtainable at the Information Centre of the Student Advisory Office.
Changed e-mail address Delta and Page 4
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to our changed e-mail address:

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