‘A possible encampment must be allowed on TU Delft campus’

Let students exercise their fundamental right to protest and do not clear any encampment on campus. This is what fifteen TU Delft academic staff members are asking for in a letter to the Executive Board.

In their letter, the writers, united under the name TU Delft Faculty and Staff, refer to pro-Palestinian student protests in several cities. Whereas in Amsterdam and Utrecht these were ended by the police and led to violence and vandalism, in Groningen, Wageningen, Nijmegen, Maastricht and Eindhoven they have been allowed to go on as long as they remain peaceful and do not obstruct others’ access to the university.

The writers urge the executive board to respond in a similar way. ‘Do everything in your power to uphold our students’ rights and freedoms. A possible encampment must be allowed to continue as long as it remains non-violent.’

They also call on the executive board to respond publicly and substantively to the demands that protesting TU Delft students presented to vice-chancellor Rob Mudde last week.

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