
142.7 million euros for consortia Gravitation programme

142.7 million euros for consortia 



Seven scientific alliances have each received between 15 and 22 million euros in ‘zwaartekrachtsubsidies’ (grants for Gravitation programme) for research that individual universities would never be able to pay for themselves. The Dutch government announced this on Monday. 


It concerns (link in Dutch, red) consortia of Utrecht University, Radboud University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Amsterdam, TU Eindhoven and VU University Amsterdam. Research financier NWO distributed the money.


One of the seven selected consortia brings biologists and technology developers together to study (and manipulate) body cells in diseased and healthy tissue. This should lead to better treatment of diseases. Another consortium wants to study how young people grow up and develop in their educational and social environment. In that project neuroscientists and behavioural scientists work together.


With the money (EUR 142.7 million), the consortia will carry out research for ten years. So it comes down to about two million euros a year. The Gravity Grants were awarded for the first time in 2012. A total of five rounds have now taken place and a sixth round is due to take place next academic year. (HOP, BB)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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