Jan van Neerven zit op een bruggetje. Zijn rugtas ligt naast hem

Jan van Neerven


Jan van Neerven is an Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor of Mathematics at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (EWI), where he heads the Analysis section. He is the author of several books in his field, received a Vidi and Vici grant from NWO, and is editor-in-chief of Indagationes Mathematicae. In 2024 he was elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.


At the end of a tumultuous year, columnist Jan van Neerven finds inspiration in a conductor who returns to his homeland to build something new.


Columnist Jan van Neerven hopes that it will not stop at protests against the severe cuts in education, but that action will also be taken through the courts. In the meantime, mathematics offers him a precious commodity: consensus on what is truth.


Columnist Jan van Neerven is a proponent of English-language education at TU Delft. He already had issues with certain aspects of the proposed political Bill, which aims to better manage the influx of international students. And now, the recent additional measures to tighten that law go too far in his view.


Columnist Jan van Neerven read with approval that the rector has changed his stance on social safety. However, he has a few reservations.


The only concrete actions in the Plan for Change for social safety at TU Delft are preventative, communicative, and therapeutic in nature, observes columnist Jan van Neerven. He saw alternatives at a university abroad.


Columnist Jan van Neerven champions press freedom in his first column for Delta. His inspiration comes from his father, who passionately defended this cause as Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Limburgs Dagblad’.


In this letter to the editor, Mathematics Professor Jan van Neerven takes up columnist Bob van Vliet’s hashtag #NotMyExecutiveBoard. He wonders whether the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will live up to their own words.