
IT & privacy

TU Delft uses many IT systems, each of which has its pros and cons. Similarly, every user has their own opinion about how things should be and how things can be improved. How does TU Delft protect itself from cyber criminals? We will keep you updated on the discussions, the decision-making process, and the bugs in this dossier.

Earlier this week, TU Delft suffered a DDos attack. During the night of Monday 27 May to Tuesday 28 May  TU Delft servers were attacked from multiple countries. The attack continued until Tuesday evening and explicitly targeted TU Delft, writes TU News. In a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, servers of in this case

Increase in identity fraud at TU Delft     In recent weeks the number of reports of identity fraud at TU Delft has risen, reports the Directorate of Communication in the TU Delft Newsletter. It usually concerns a request from a staff member to help or contribute a donation or a gift voucher. This can…


Checking in with your campus card: what about privacy?   TU Delft takes various measures in the public space to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors. One of these measures is checking in with your campus card. However, the student council is concerned about the privacy of students. What will happen…