Dutch only De tijdelijke noodopvang voor asielzoekers op de TU Campus Zuid is klaar, meldt de gemeente Delft. Vanaf zaterdag opent het Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) de locatie en nemen de eerste mensen er hun intrek. In totaal worden er 220 mensen opgevangen voor de duur van vijf maanden, gerekend vanaf opening van…
Can you imagine a bra that detects cancer? Master’s student Rajae Atahiri did and hopes to build a prototype within five years.
A gold medal for sailing, silver and bronze for rowers, and a fabulous substitution by a football player. TU Delft athletes were very visible this summer among Europe’s top.
From gay bingo to leek slapping: during the OWee, student associations invent all sorts of activities to attract members. Delta lists the most unusual ones.
As a Delta reader, you will have to do without new articles in the coming weeks: our summer break starts on 4 July. Time to read the stories you may have missed.
Is sleutelen aan het klimaat nodig om opwarming van de aarde af te remmen? Eurocommissaris Frans Timmermans sluit dat niet uit, maar hij wil eerst de risico’s in beeld.
Working on the energy transition requires looking at things from all sides says Assistant Professor Julien van Campen.
How can students help improve the quality of education? Completing surveys from the Board of Studies is a start, says master’s student Marcel Brouwers.
During the Dutch National Student Championships, over two thousand athletes will compete for the title of Student Sport City 2022. Three Delft student participants look ahead.