Doctoral candidate Aswin Muralidharan was able to introduce DNA into cells without rupturing them using electric shocks. This technique could be interesting for gene therapy.
The wind fields generated in the Wind AI Lab are almost real. During the opening, Jan-Willem van Wingerden demonstrated the possibilities of this new lab.
Through his Dream CV initiative, Alihan Uzun is helping young people rise above the challenges of inequality in education.
The data collection for research into diversity and inclusion has been stopped with immediate effect. The reliability of the new data can no longer be guaranteed.
How to raise awareness about sexually transgressive behaviour? Francien Baijanova created a serious game for just that.
What do TU Delft students and employees think of diversity and inclusion at TU Delft? And what do they expect from the university in this area?
Meet students Julia Rozenberg and Fenna Timsi who hope to give young people a voice through the UN Youth Representative programme.
The Delft International Student Society thinks there’s a lot to learn from big Dutch associations. “They create this community that we internationals don’t have per se.”
The National Student Housing Action Plan, announced with much fanfare, is supposed to solve the room shortage. What does this mean for Delft? “This plan does exactly nothing.”