

Submitted by Ruben Wiersma (PhD student at Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science) For a few years now, I have enjoyed listening to Esther Perel's podcast 'Where should we begin?'. In the podcast, she talks to couples who encounter problems in their relationships. It could be that one is fighting too much, their partner is

In this letter to the editor, Mathematics Professor Jan van Neerven takes up columnist Bob van Vliet’s hashtag #NotMyExecutiveBoard. He wonders whether the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will live up to their own words.

Commissions to design public buildings often go through a tendering process. This system is bad for the architecture sector, particularly for those graduating and young architects. This should and must change, says Nima Morkoç, founder of the HA-HA Design & Development architect firm.

Let us stop acting as though the reports made to the Inspectorate of Education are exceptions in an otherwise pleasant community, writes Assistant Professor Marieke Kootte. “Correct anyone that says that ‘women are like numbers, they are pretty to play with’.”

Student Mirte Brouwer is calling on TU Delft to support dual degree students. According to her, engineers who have undergone a broad education are highly valuable, but support from TU Delft for these students is very limited. The fact that top athletes, for example, do receive extra support proves that giving extra support would be possible.

Alex Nedelcu, Aerospace Engineering bachelor student, thinks his Faculty should not revert its bachelor’s programme back to Dutch, as Delta columnist Dap Hartmann suggested in his latest column. “To shut the door on international students would mean compromising TU Delft’s reputation on the world stage.”